End of elections, but not over yet!

Day 286, 18:59 Published in Canada Australia by Mustache Dictator

The September elections have been very close and interesting. As Norsefire cought up to the CSD after being close behind

CSD took an early lead, and they have maintained it throughout the day with Cottus being up by many votes.

Meanwhile Chaos, PQ, and CPP are almost 40 votes behind, but are all within three of eachother.
Will CSD break the tie, or will Norsefire pull out some last minute voters?

Ofcourse, as a norsefire member, i encourage everyone to vote Tantis and Norsefire. But, this is going to be a close one. I expect Norsefire will win the Congress elections, but Cottus will keep his lead.

The elections wount be the same without Mr.Sutler, but we have to look to the future.

Good luck to all the candidates.
God bless Canada, and God bless the elections,
Have a great night,