End of Congressional Campaign

Day 432, 15:47 Published in USA USA by Wade Seagrave
The End has Arrived!

I, Wade Seagrave, have officially decided to end my campaign for the Congressional Elections of January 2009. The outcome of the voting is 11 to 3 at the time of the writing of this article, so instead of attempting to go any further, I have officially decided to end it all... well, the congressional elections.

I have decided to quit not because I wanted to write a dramatic speech, not because I am weak, and not because I want to seem all official, but because I think the votes should go somewhere else better.

I would like to thank the other 2 people who voted for me a lot! Just think, without you (Speaking to 1 of the 2 voters), I would have half of the votes (that I didn't make lol).

So I wish the best of luck to my former opponent in Congress in his 3rd Congressional Term. Let's all support him as all good eAmericans should.

Thank you everyone, for a great experience while running in for Congress.

See you later... maybe.

More Newspaper articles to come.