eMuCon entering the home stretch! [EN]

Day 840, 13:35 Published in USA Russia by NumbuS


Greetings to everyone!

Our music contest entering the home stretch!

First of all, I just wanted to note the spirit of decadence that accompanies our venture - the level of support provided by the citizens of the New World is very insignificant. Even in homeland environment, announcement article couldn't climb into national top. Moreover, many "information partners" who were eager to support competition, revealed to be an idle chatters. Well, I believe we can do it on our own.

Contest day is scheduled on the 850th day of eRep.

Currently there are 4 competitors endorsed, no one of them guarantees that he/she will definitely take part in contest... Nevertheless, here are our future heroes:
http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2009/06/20/89ad62c78debbe205b7e60e67d07f4f8_55x55.jpg"> chelsy (еRussia, Belarus)
http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2009/11/06/0da445a5f1ab34f07cf1685c14162d68_55x55.jpg"> Serbischer_Freiwillinger (Serbia)
http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2009/09/06/aed1feb55d161a083391eb0c863b7953_55x55.jpg"> TheLordFilip (Serbia)
http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2009/12/27/6c28716df71658d6105cdf465b3a9147_55x55.jpg"> Toddr (Russia)

As you can see, there are few participants - so the selection of the best one will be held by open voting in the comments to articles (Russian, Serbian and English). Everyone will be able to vote, no matter which citizenship they have.

Also, there will be an invited guest - Grendal Vlkov, owner of the unique musical newspaper.

It's more than 200 hours to the Day X, so you can still participate, or help me to find a new contestants.

If you want to help:
1. Shout with the link to this article
2. If you write an article by yourself — include a couple of lines about the contest and a link to this article (or even banner (you can find sample below)).
3. If you know some people who may participate in the contest — write messages to them and call them to take part by all possible means.

Affiliate Program:
If you have a newspaper which is published outside of eRussia media-space, I'm glad to invite you to become a media partner of eMuCon! Please PM me to discuss any options of non-commercial cooperation.

If you want to take part in the contest:
The requirements concerning the content are very easy
- listeners should be able to hear what you are singing
- the visualization of the audio track should be made according to your own discretion and taste
- you should send the lyrics in English together with your song (song itself can be performed in any language)
- one participant can send no more then 5 works
- the music can be borrowed from the existing songs, the lyrics should be written by the participant

Have any questions on eMuCon? Send me PM and I will answer them!

Best regards,

Media partners:

