Empty Pockets *UPDATE*

Day 905, 13:05 Published in USA USA by Glove

Guys, today, May 19, 2010, after about a week, the admins have answered my request. I have all my gold back!!! Hurrah!

Today is a good and bad day.

First, let me start with the good news. The admins now have a plan to combat cheaters! Huzzah!

Now for the bad news, a scammer took all my money!!

Here is what I think happened. Yesterday I received a message from a friend. I never talk to this friend and honestly I don't know if it was him that made this happen, but I have very strong suspicions. This "Friend" sent me a message and it said Erepublik had an official lottery. So I clicked the link and it asked for me to login so did, I thought this was normal especially since erepublik logs you off after a while. Well it seemed like it was an official login page because it looked EXACTLY like the real erepublik login page. Today I woke up, and worked, and noticed that ALL of my USD and gold has been taken from me. I checked donations page and the hacker did not donate it to anyone, which leaves me to conclude he sold it on the monetary market... I lost a total of 108 gold and 65 USD....

I was hoping to use that cash for V2..I kept it all hidden under my mattress.

Also, I notice I now have romanian and canadian currency. First the canadians take my delaware

Now they take my cash! I hate you guys! Just kidding, we're still bros.

Seriously though, I'm an e-hobo now.

Kind of makes me want to commit e-suicide.

Well that concludes my bad erepublik day. It seems multiers/hackers/scammers just keep going to newer lows everyday. Cheers; don't fall victim to a scam like I did...

I pray that Dio will answer my prayer and somehow miraculously return all that has been lost.

Just to be on the safe side, I'm also praying to the new Church of Valkyrie 🙂