Employee & Employer's rights

Day 349, 13:30 Published in Norway USA by jaywalker71
Work contract (and salary)

Employer and employee should be required to honor the original contract, that is, the salary that is offered and agreed to, could not be lowered without the agreement of BOTH the employer and employee. At the moment employer can change the salary without any notice even.

If employer wants/needs to force the salary without employee's agreement, it would require firing the employee and hiring the employee again (or another one) to a new contract.

The work contract should be possible to be made also as a fixed-term or fixed-work ("piece work") contract. As fixed-term the employee would be required to work for a number of days and as fixed-work there would be a fixed total amount of work that the employee should achieve; how quickly he'd reach that total amount would be up to his skill.

I would also like to see as an option that salary would depend on the productivity of the employee; a minimum and a maximum would have been set and agreed in the work contract and the guidelines setting those would be the employee's skill level. The variation (min >= salary =

Firing and resigning

Some changes would be good to be introduced to firing and resigning as well. Resigning is already in quite a good shape, as there is a minimum time the employee has to have worked in the company before you can resign. Same time should apply to firing and what I mean is that when the employer fires the employee, the employee would get a notification that he's been fired and he has the set time left to work before he's out. During this time he would be able to look for another job as if he was unemployed. He would be able to resign before the set time runs out or wait and be booted out.

That's two most important things I have in my mind at the moment.

Running a company - a task too difficult?

Many companies that I've been working for, have run out of money. What does that tell an employee? To me it tells the people running the company are not quite up to the task they've taken up. The manager of the company should keep up with the economical status of the company, follow income and expenses.

They do need to do their work as we employees do our work!