eMacedonia - eTurkiye / Before - After / Brotherhood?

Day 1,371, 16:39 Published in Turkey North Macedonia by Drashhh_III_Makedonski
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I thought that I'll never write an article again after they changed the media module but I was wrong. So here I go...

In the last two/three days many things happened. So I've decided to write an article about these things...

First of all I'd like to mention that this article is not writen by government member, I'm just citizen of eMacedonia and I express my point of view and my conclusions.

Macedonian - Turkish BROTHERHOOD

Ever since the start of the game eMacedonian and eTurks are called brothers among each other. When there was no eMacedonia many of us lived, worked and fought under eTurkish flag. Our brotherhood was so strong back in those days. I remember as leader of the 2nd Macedonian Phalanx in eTurkey, a great cooperation, communication and unity between our countries. I remember teknik, omantielvo, zappa, xeraph, stankovic, burakkocamis, nebuchadnezzarII and many many others, who did many great things for eMacedonian and its people in this game. I remember when they/we asked for help NE laws, donations, food, weapons, gold, soldiers, without thinking we/they were there.
Every time when there was need of something good or bad, we/they were there. Everytime we worked out and managed to accomplish great things together. Even recently, when we held eGreece and eBulgaria for months under occupation we can see that together we can do anything.

But, dark times came. First, eTurkey signs peace with Bulgaria - leaving those colonies and for that they gained NAP for few months (dont know exactly how much months or if it has expire date) and not giving protection to eMacedonia in this deal. I said, well OK.

Than suddenly a second peace on its way. eGreece signs NAP with eTurkey for a month. Hum, this is where I get these unclear thoughts. I asked myself many questions, why, how, who etc...

Well, my brothers I must say this. I am disappointed, very disappointed from this situation. I feel like I am left alone among two beasts and my best friend is just watching beside...
Did eMacedonia do something like this to eTurkey? I can say never! Even after 4 months ingame we went in battle with eBulgaria 'cus you asked for our help, we were there, we fought!

eGreeks asked for help from eBulgaria - and this is the result. We got our second NE on us. Two of the strongest EDEN countries have their eyes on us.
I am not asking your government. I am asking the eTurkish people. Will you let your brother alone? Where is our brotherhood? HERE?
eMacedonia needs you!

- I repeate! In this article I express my point of view, I am not a government member. -

Hail eMacedonia
Hail eTurkey!