Elections Reminder

Day 478, 22:16 Published in USA USA by Al-Iksander

The Party President elections are on Sunday, March 15th. If you are in a party, make sure to vote for a candidate, if for no other reason than the experience gained.

However, I am asking the members of the Democratic Party to vote for me, Al-Iksander, as the new Party President. I want to get the party more active, and I want to get a feel for what the party members think can and will translate from real life Democratic principles into eRepublik.
For all those that want to make a difference, here is the link to the party forum: http://eusforum.com/index.php/board,27.0.html.

Personally, I am pro-ATLANTIS, and am for a strong military. Note, this does not mean that I am for imperialistic wars like the one that got us into our current fiasco.

We need to work with our allies. We need them a lot more than they need us. Remember that.
Now, remember to get out there and vote! Even if it is not for me, it is a vote well placed.
*Eppur Si Muove
And Yet It Moves*