Elections Day

Day 316, 11:41 Published in Canada Canada by hawkerhunter07

Today, October 1st, day 316 of the New World, general Election day in Canada. We will follow live the latest information of the elections and communicate them to you from time to time.
Now, at 11:39, the results are:
- For the Candidates election for President:
Banach (NPC) 54 votes
Cottus Arci (CSD) 29 votes
Clown Prince of Chaos (CHAOS) 27 votes
kommie (CPP) 15 votes
Bruno Tremblay (PQ) 11 votes

- As for the congress election:
The Norsefire Party of Canada 41 votes
Canadian Social Democrats 29 votes
Canadian Paradox Party 23 votes
Coalition of Homicidal Anarchists and Organized Sociopaths 21 votes
Parti Québécois 13 votes

Until now 138 citizens voted, which represents 16.14% of the canadian population.
What surprises the rest of the day will reveal? Stay with us and you will be the first to know.
Thank you

French Translation/Traduction en Francais:

Aujourd'hui, le 1er Octobre, 316eme jour du Nouveau Monde, jour de l'election generale au Canada. Nous suivrons en direct ces elections et nous vous communiquerons les dernieres informations de temps a autres.
Actuellement, a 11:39, les resultats sont les suivants:
- Pour les candidats pour l'election presidentielle:
Banach (NPC) 54 votes
Cottus Arci (CSD) 29 votes
Clown Prince of Chaos (CHAOS) 27 votes
kommie (CPP) 15 votes
Bruno Tremblay (PQ) 11 votes

- Alors que pour l'election du congres:
The Norsefire Party of Canada 41 votes
Canadian Social Democrats 29 votes
Canadian Paradox Party 23 votes
Coalition of Homicidal Anarchists and Organized Sociopaths 21 votes
Parti Québécois 13 votes

Jusqu'a present, 138 citoyens ont vote, ce qui represente 16.14% de la population.
Quelles surprises nous cache le reste de la journee. Restez avec nous et vous serez les premiers a savoir.