Election Train-777

Day 776, 05:23 Published in USA USA by Ajax Archimedes

Election Train keeps on Trucking:

As the seasons turn so do the mud that is slung this great election season. Therefore, I will at least attempt to have an objective analysis of our President’s month in office but pointing out some of the positives and the negatives.
Every Election needs a little more Gundam.

The War:
Always good to start out on a high note lest you seem somewhat disillusioned.
Our president has been in office during one of the major moments of eRepublic’s history, the start of WWIV. It was his actions that began the war and despite criticism of his handling of the all mighty button pushing the US and EDEN have managed to take down two of the major economic pillars of the Phoenix alliance, Liaoning and Karnatka. The third and most important pillar is still out there and its capture is still highly in doubt yet it does not take away from the accomplishment that we have had under this presidency with the help of our capable military staff.

However, this war began not on a high note but with a defeat. The eUSA attacked and was defeated by Phoenix and Japan as the US tried unsuccessfully to break into Asia. We did this without any real effort by our state department or out president to try diplomacy over brute force. In hindsight had we been less caveman-like in our approach we likely could have won Japan over to our side without the massive outlay in funding and personal tanking. The fact that the Japanese did let us in almost directly after we failed only underscores the opportunity that was lost.
Yet, one could argue that it was the military that planned the operation and the president only came to office the day of the invasion. This excuse is similar to the BAY OF PIGS invasion by the Kennedy administration where less than 60 days into his presidency Kennedy invaded Cuba then forgot to support it with US fighter cover. The Cuban exiles were slaughtered btw. In retrospect a President needs to be the political leader and not just the military rubber stamp to all operations and there was a diplomatic failing here.

Much of the controversy comes down to England. Our president was elected on the platform that we would attack England and still considers that a platform in his re-election campaign. However, an American led attack on Perfidious Albion (Look it up ignorant masses) seems remote to say the least.

However, the lack of an immediate attack upon assuming the presidency could hardly be faulted given the situation. The military had been eyeing Asia for quite some time. They said so upon the time of the Japanese assault. It is debatable if a new president could he expected to put all operations on hold for 24 to 36 hours while they take advisement of the situation. Granted he could have backed down from our Asian adventure but that hindsight is 20/20.
Yet, what is unclear is how an attack on England is even currently being discussed as a remote possibility. To claim it as a re-election platform is to mislead our constituency. Our military has much bigger fish to fry in WWIV than any adventure out to England. Their time will come eventually. There should not be use any of a potential attack against England as a method to convince voters. It is unethical and misleading.

It has been the claim of many that our president is NOT a workaholic man of the hour. More Gerald Ford than Richard Nixon. Granted many opportunities in Asia were lost due to server issues but some were lost due to initiative block. Jilin was the first time that there was a problem and later there was the North Korean attack. Furthermore, time and effort were wasted while members of our government were given RW titles at the taxpayer’s expense instead of pure military expediency. The Gold we spent on initiating wars in Asia is unfathomable considering there could have been more diplomatic solutions to reach our goals. If the Russian President doesn’t get banned and their Legislature doesn’t have a complete retarded attack we probably wouldn’t be in the situation we are in now.
Most recently the US failed to retreat in Inner Mongolia from the Chinese attack which allowed Hungary to gain the initiative.

Presidency of the eUS is unfortunately a full time job. Whoever is our president in the coming days must realize they are representing us up to the hilt, and on our schedules not necessarily theirs. That’s not a failing, but that is the reality. The job is not for the weak of time.
That said the US has managed to claim territories in Asia at least with some proper coordinating with our allies. We could have not taken out Iran or Indonesia without their help. I cannot claim to know how many of our allies in EDEN view our current political election but I would have to say that at least we have been consulting with them. Our advantage in Asia could not have been more evident than the fact that we have been able to gain the help and cooperation of the Chinese.

However, we have not deployed the major portion of our military to Europe in quite some time, even when the situation demanded it. Spain, Romania, Israel, and Greece have looked in vain for the sight of American Tanks fighting alongside them. Our battles in Asia have been important, but one cannot shake the feeling that our European allies are demanding more from us.

On this front there is cause for concern. It should be focus for every government official to disseminate truthful information at every opportunity and not to spin the truth for their advantage. The Republic RL party lost both houses of Congress and the Presidency because of the people’s realization that they were being cleverly manipulated. It
Therefore, it should be considered bad form to try to convince the American people that the loss in Hello-kitty was anything but. There is no shame in this defeat, we came close and we will come closer in the future. But that does not give anyone license to try to spin that outcome wholly in our favor. Yes. Romania used the breathing room to good advantage but that was accomplished by just the threat of a major US attack, not the actual attack.
Furthermore, we have hear spin in regards to the Japanese Diplomatic debacle, the fiasco with our forums, and to the slow pace of our attacks. We are not interested. Tell us the bad new and we will redouble our efforts to win. Tell us everything is great and we will relax our vigil at the worst possible time.

Vote Early, Vote Often, and if you’re a Zombie Vote in Chicago.