Election Speech, Spring Teodor

Day 461, 12:02 Published in Norway Sweden by Spring Teodor

The past month

The past month has been troublesome, both when it comes to the russian take over of congress, and the hostile attempt from a random guy to free yet another region. Although the last attempt was somewhat a laugh it serves as a good reminder that our rule, as one of the largest countries in the world (size wise), as easy as some random guy starting an RW can be turned into swiss cheese. We must be able to in short notice mobilize our defenses (wich is something we've been very good at this far - but we can become better!) and immobilize any threat presenting to our country.
This is where you come in, by voting on me for congress, you vote for a prolonged occupation of countries. I don't see an expansion war coming on, but by god will I make sure we're able to defend ourselves.

True, I might be new on the political stage, a faceless man you might say, but that dosen't have to be a disadvantage - far from it. With my 9 months in this game, I have the experience needed and the highly ranked friends in diffrent countries to be able to make my voice heard and am also the 'guy who gets the job done'. With me as a congress member, your voice would be heard in every vote.

Don't be afraid of contacting me, I answer every mail I receive and am very active in giving quick responses to current situations.

Yours truly,
Spring Teodor