Election speech from your king

Day 1,383, 17:08 Published in Norway USA by Christopher Moe


My name is Christopher Moe and I am running for president so that I might get the pleasure of ruling over you, my beloved people.
I have long hair.
I don’t have a girlfriend
And I don’t have children that I can dress up to impress you, but rest assured I do mean business.

I have lived my life in a strange way, someone could say that I have wasted it on video games and silly cat pictures on the Internet. But somehow this has made a perfect candidate to represent you in this election, if you vote for me you are voting on a reflection of yourself, you DO like yourself, don’t you.

Most people would be hesitant to take a job where your decisions could drastically change the lives of so many. But not me. You see, I posses this kind of sociopathic narcissism that makes me think that I should be in charge of every one. Including you. But all that needs to start somewhere, and that somewhere is right here in my home country that I have grown to love so much since I moved here about a year ago 😁

Together we can cooperate on supporting my lust for self glorification by any means necessary … and that’s a promise you can take to the bank 😉

Here’s a picture of my opponent

And here is a quote taken out of context

“...Fuck the election,”

Oh yeah, I had a dog. He is not alive anymore though

I enlisted in The Rape Potatoes for the minimum acquired time in a position not to see battle.
Well, Because it would help me become your next president.

I don’t make friends... I make acquaintances.

All of my motives are arterial

I am self involved to the point of psychosis

My soul is just.... Terrifying
And you know what? That is leadership.

So let’s all send this message to the rest of the world : All hail our supreme and sexy overlord of Norway Christopher Moe. Today Norway, tomorrow the WORLD!!!

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Kermit want Christopher Moe to be president, or else Kermit will be pissed of and give you the crab people flu... I am super serial fundation...