Election results January-February 2010

Day 798, 01:53 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Flando

Dear countrymen,

Another elections has passed and the results are in!

There is a total number of 299 votes, the total number of votes keeps going down, maybe we are losing active players?

Party - Seats - percentage of seats - total votes - percentage of total votes
I&W - 14 seats - 112 votes [ +0 seats (14) / +35 votes (77) ]
LSD - 8 seats - 65 votes [ +0 seats (😎 / -1 votes (66) ]
GLD - 7 seats - 32 votes [+1 seat (6) / -5 votes (37) ]
LP - 6 seats - 46 votes [+4 seats (2) / +27 votes (19) ]
BP - 5 seats - 44 votes [ -5 seats (10) / -39 votes (83) ]

That makes the following coalitions possible:
I&W+LSD= 22 seats
I&W+GLD=21 seats
I&W+LP(+?)=20+ seats
LSD+BP+LP+GLD =26 seats
And, ofcourse, other combinations based on these coalitions.

Iron and Wine has made a huge jump in the number of votes, clearly showing that they are less effecient then last time, because they have the same number of seats.
The Belgian Party now is the smallest party still in congress.