Election results (25th of December 2009)

Day 767, 00:16 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Flando

Dear countrymen,

Another elections has passed and the results are in!

There is a total number of 304 votes, this low number could be related to christmas.

Party - Seats - percentage of seats - total votes - percentage of total votes
I&W - 14 seats - 35% - 77 votes - 25%
LSD - 8 seats - 20% - 66 votes - 22%
BP - 10 seats - 25% - 83 votes - 27%
GLD - 6 seats - 15% - 37 votes - 12%
LP - 2 seat - 5% - 19 votes - 0.6%

That makes the following coalitions possible:
I&W+LSD= 22 seats
I&W+BP=24 seats
I&W+GLD(+LP)=20(22) seats
LSD+BP+LP/GLD =20/24 seats
And, ofcourse, other combinations based on these coalitions.

If we look at vote efficiency we see that only I&W and GLD have a higher percentage of seats then votes. I&W seems to rule our union at vote efficiency, with 25% of the votes and 35% of the seats they may be proud!

Now, lets look at the number of votes and the number of members a party has:
BP - 83 votes - 135 members - 61.5% members-vote percentage
I&W - 77 votes - 93 members - 83% members-vote percentage
LSD - 66 votes - 112 members - 59% members-vote percentage
GLD - 37 votes - 58 members - 63% members-vote percentage
LP - 19 votes - 32 members - 59% members-vote percentage

No party has more votes then members, this may also be because of christmas. Still I&W seems to have the most active members while LP, BP and LSD (~60😵 seem to have the least active members.

In the elections all parties got the same number of seats as last elections, with the exeption of I&W stealing one seat from BP.

And here is Capzilla's fine article about the elections.