Election Platform

Day 323, 03:59 Published in Turkey Israel by DogMaster

Hello to all of the TJU memebers.
i know it looks a little hypocritical that the first post of the TJU informative is my election platform but we have to start somewhere and i want to promise you all that no mettar who wins the elections this paper will stay true to the TJU.

most of you probably dont know me as i am new to this game but that shouldn't get in the way.
my platform consists of several points that i will commit my term to solve them.

and most importent is libareting israel. preferably by diplomatic ways but if that fails we will fight and win no matter the cost.
there have been proposels of all sorts about this subject and i will tell you this: I will not pay a penny for a land that is rightfully ours. i will not accept anything less the the full and complete land of israel.
we do not wish to fight the turks once we have our country back. all we want is to get our land back to us and live our life in peace.
strenghtening our economy. we need to encourage israeli owned factories. we must unite and buy only from them and they should hire only israeli workers.
we need to clean up the TJU from all the inactives. it is unheard of to have 3 inactive congressman, one of which is the current head of the party.
the more active people should move up the ladder and the inactive ones will be thrown down. this may be third on the list but it will be the first thing done. also, we need a TJU forum in which everyone can give his intake and help plot our way and future politics.
we have to help our palestinien brothers to get their own land. not on the expense of our land, but we nost help them pressure the admins to add a place for them.
we need to create a diplomatic force that will reach out and make diplomatic contects withe as meny countries as we can to give us the safty that no one will ever try and counquer us again.

we will all have to work together to accomplish these feats but I am sure we can do it together. it will not be easy but together we can make the dream come true.