Election Interview with Federalist Party | Day4477

Day 4,477, 06:59 Published in USA USA by David Toe

I expect to get about the same percentage as we have now.
Melissa Rose (President|Federalist Party)
Congress is the main legislative body of eUSA. It is the place where elected candidates for Congress decide about political, military and economical future of a country by proposing different Laws. As you all know, the election of the Congress is near. Our news department has interviewed Federalist Party about the upcoming congressional election.

Daily Eleven : Hello Rose, I'm from Daily Eleven. May I have an interview about upcoming congressional election.
Melissa Rose : Sure!

Daily Eleven : The congressional election is near. Is your party ready for the upcoming election?
Melissa Rose : We are totally ready for the election.

Daily Eleven : What percentage do you expect to get into Congress?
Melissa Rose : I expect to get about the same percentage as we have now. I hope to get more of course but I think it will take a few months of activity to start gaining percentages

Daily Eleven : If your party has any laws that try to change in the coming legislative term in the coming congressional term?
Melissa Rose : I honestly have no clue what the feds are currently working on in Congress. I have only been back in game for about a week. As far as I know we aren't trying to change any laws but I could be wrong. Although it would be rather late in the game for changing laws. Except maybe the amount of approvals it takes to bring things to a vote. With the current level of activity in game I am not sure you can actually get things done with the current approval number.

Daily Eleven : What is your view on the current government?
Melissa Rose : I could write a book on what I think of the current administration but the short quick answer is I think he is doing... okay for the current state of the game. But he has forgotten one part of the game.. It is a social game not just a war game. People want interaction. they want to talk to people and each other. They want Articles I think that Groot is a good guy but I think he's in over his head just a bit. so.. he's doing okay but he could do better