Election Day Concerns.

Day 2,116, 21:44 Published in Canada Spain by JonathonEdwards

The dynamics of our current CP election have me concerned - two things in particular.

The first one is DMV3, an eCanadian of less than 2 weeks. How can the eCanadian community be so quick to put their hopes and trust in someone they know - personally - for such a short time? Sure, I've heard of his feats, and how as a foreigner (I think he was an eAmerican?), he did great things for us militarily as we sought to escape the bonds of our Spanish oppressors. I've heard some great things about him from stalwarts in our community, stalwarts who seem to have the trust of our community.

But why does he want to be the CP of a nation he just became a citizen of? Is it for the medal? Does he care for us as a nation, a community? If he wins this election, history may indeed judge him in a great light. His platform is well articulated, and he has pledged great things.

But should someone who hasn't been among us, and alongside us, learning about our nation and the individuals which comprise us, as one of us, seek to be a leader of us?

My other concern relates more to the role of party politics in this election.
I'll be speaking here, as a member of the Canadian Progressive Front, although what I say may be applicable to members of other parties. The CPF had a primary, and our own Lelouch IV BritHtania won the right to represent our party in this CP election. Currently, he sits third. Usually third place candidates, I suspect, are far out of the race. Not in this election. He has 79 votes. Second place DMV3, has 81, and the leading vote getter, I bleed-blue-93, has 85 votes. Six votes separating first from third.
And yet our party's candidate, late in election day, throws his support to another candidate. Somehow, I find that a failure of our candidate to represent the wishes of his party. Apparently, the CPF's CP candidate is not the only candidate to have done this. But with what authority has this been done?
With a CP victory within reach (6 votes), why has another candidate now been endorsed, and my party's nominee has suddenly abdicated? I can understand if it was to prevent a PTO, or to keep an undesirable out of office, but
all 4 candidates running in this election - it appears - are above reproach, and could do a good job as our CP. But what has changed? If Lelouch IV Brittania thinks someone else might do a better job than himself, why wait
so late? Why not do this several days before - AFTER consulting the party (I'm assuming the party was not consulted, as I was not contacted).

I'm not arguing Lelouch has made a bad choice.

My argument is that it should not have been his choice.

There, a few things off my chest.

I feel better now.

Comments and rebuttals below.
