Election Day but the real question is: CAN THERE BE HOPE?

Day 1,904, 17:03 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Currently while still the eUSA continues spiral down while Election Day is here,the race between John Killah, Candor, Zoli, and ghinculov goes on. Currently John Killah is leading in the voting. I want say congrats to all the candidates of their parties and may the best man win.

Many new citizens are finding it difficult to get where they want to go with the current tax rates. If your political party has a program, please get involved and make a request during these troubled times. As a player myself that returned a few weeks ago since my brief play starting out in 2011, I just keep staying patient and managing what I can do in my power and just keep building myself up. So I am doing fine but its not like that for everyone. However I know we can do better. It is for certain that the high taxes are hurting players who are the worst off. Whoever is elected to be our next leader is to hope they will address this problem. Give some relief even its just a few deduction points off the tax rate. If the same old leaders get elected and nothing changes, then it comes to question perhaps all us citizens should look for a new leader from a different party who can actually lead and stop this great depression. It's gonna come down to is to cast aside our differences, even many may so hate the NoS Dive Bar aka the American Alliance, it's no reason as a good excuse to keep us from finding a true leader. We must continue to help find a leader who is willing to step up to the plate and bring real change to eUSA as the answer we must all ponder. Afterall when leadership fails who do we trust. It becomes frustrating. Whoever is elected I just want to say good luck and congratulations. When promises are broken time after time we have continue to find that great leader that won't be keeping making the same broken promises to its citizens, then it only continues to be the never ending quest for that great leader and only more questions come to mind when the next one steps into office "Is that finally the leader we were all hoping for?".