Election Center Update

Day 1,567, 19:37 Published in Ireland USA by logan Dunleavy

With results pouring in from all over the country the tides of this election have turned in favor of ChewChewShoe, who, as of 19:12 is winning with a 19 vote lead of 130 to 111 over Winston Hope Smith. Voter turnout this month has topped last month which saw 211 ballots cast, this month we have seen, thus far a full 30 more votes cast bringing the total to 241. While there is still five hours left until the polls close and things may in that time change, we can predict that ChewChewShoe will win the election by a margin of about 5%.

This has been an interesting election cycle, we have seen that the support of the IIP, IPP and Labour Party seem to have got out the vote for Chewie, who in the eyes of many was the favorite from the start. Meanwhile the support of the IUP and a non-aggressive campaign could be said to have been the downfall of W.H Smith. In the end it came down to who campaigned more intensively and by way of articles, shouts and mass-messages ChewChewShoe seems to have used those tolls more effectively than Smith and it payed off in votes.

Below is a map that doesn't mean anything, but all election analysis needs a map so I made one up o/

This reporter personally wishes Chewie the best of luck should he end up the winner, which The Daily Exclaimer predicts he will, and we look forward to the new Irish Reich.