Elect Your Congressmen

Day 397, 19:20 Published in Thailand Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

Yes, it's that time of the month again! Elections for congress are here and although we have a lot of good candidates I think that one more cant do any harm, so I decided to run for congress.

And now, welcome to my world of self praising! Just joking...

I guess I'll introduce myself. I've been playing this game for more than half a year and I've been an active citizen for that entire time. I was "born" in Portugal but moved to the US shortly after and I stayed there for 6 months. In beta I served has mayor, congressman and ambassador for the US. When V1 came out I dedicated my time to run the Democratic Party (that lost a lot of it's members since I left) and I stayed there and served as Party President for 4 terms. I was an active politian in the US and I will be doing the same thing here in Thailand. (Some RL issues prevented me from being as active as I wished in the meantime.)

And thats where I made my name and where I got most of my game experience, in national politics.

I own a few companies, although the only one you know is Bl1nd Gifts. About that, I really cant make my gifts any cheaper... The import tax adds a lot to the final price. (maybe in the future, with the help of the government, I can lower the price)

I have to say that the biggest reason for my coming to Thailand was actually Korbin King, although I had heard about Thailand before in some articles in the International Press.

I dont always agree with what is being done but when I dont agree I dont keep my oppinions to myself. And that is the best thing I can say about myself. 😛

And basically that's all I can say. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
