Elect X-Gamer In Shannon: a new pair of old eyes

Day 1,189, 12:04 Published in Canada Iran by X-Gamer

Hello Everybody:

Fist let me introduce myself, my name is Amir and I'm the player behind the account, X-Gamer. I'm a new immigrant to Canada, your native land. I came to Canada, because I live in Toronto, ontario in real life, so I felt if somewhere in the world is my second home, it is Canada! But of course, my first nationality is Iranian.

Since last week, I've tried to be more Canadian, I joined the "Canadian Paradox Party", I am working in a charity based company and I joined the national forums.

After all this, I've decided to candidate for congressional election, which is 5 days from now. I know that Canadians respect new immigrants and will support them. I do not have more than 3-4 friends in this glorious and great country but because of my past experiences, I want to ask you to trust me, and let me be a small part of your great family.

My past experiences included;

X2 Party Presidency
X1 Vice Presidency of eIran
X1 Army Commander of eIran
X7 Active Congressman
X1 Country Presidency of eIran.

It's because of all these reasons, I believe myself to be an active person in this virtual life and I want to ask you all for your trust.

I'm candidate from :

Shannon Region >>> CPP party >>> X-Gamer

Sincerely -