eIsrael this is your President Speaking

Day 1,090, 17:08 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

eIsrael this is your President Speaking.

Many of you who have followed the goings on in eIsrael might be aware of a major controversy involving attempted take over attempts of many Political parties in eIsrael.

This act is commonly referred to as a PTO or Political Take Over.

This was all a planned out well orchestrated operation intended to drive the so called "Evil American English Players" out of eIsrael. By taking over there party leadership through undemocratic means.

The Individuals involved in this range from Speaker of the Knesset to other supposedly well respected eIsraelis.

Every single individual involved in this needs to be named publicly and punished severely for these actions. They need to be blacklisted and removed and barred from holding any public office. Treated as nothing more then the low PTO swine that they are. These include people involved directly or indirectly.

Im disgusted and angered by these actions and justice must be served.

This country is heading down a terrible terrible path. We are small inactive and divided and constantly fighting.

Whats worse about this already terrible situation is how it is abused for political gain by individuals.

We have a huge concentration of our players isolated on an off site forum being politically manipulated by their so called leaders.

They tell them English Speakers and Americans are the enemy and they must be driven out. They dont say why, they dont tell them that most of the people have been here longer then theyve been playing and done more for this country then can be named, they dont tell them this is just a game and has nothing to do with RL.

They tell them we must keep a broken tax system that makes the average eIsraelis pay more for food just so a few individuals can maintain their monopolies and price gauge.

They tell them nothing besides what they want them to know. They use this to expand their political influence. They tell this mostly to new players who dont know better and are easily manipulated.

This is how eIsrael has always been. Since the days of Sababa to now. An entire community of players abused for political purposes and self gain not in the interest of the state.

Things have reached an all time peak now because they finally feel their power in threatened. They finally feel they might loose and they have been.

This PTO attempt is a desperate attempt to maintain and seize power and destroy the democratic process in eIsrael and divide us further.

We are all here cause we want to see this eCountry Succeed. That should be enough to unite us.

In the end we shouldnt look at this as English vs Hebrew. Its not. Not all hebrew players vote the same way think the same way and neither do english speakers. People might try to tell you other wise to fictionalize things for their benefit.

This is really a battle between the forces of good, progress and common sense made up of people of all different backgrounds and the forces of Evil regression and personal greed.

In the end it doesnt matter. eIsrael will choose its future.

You can choose to isolate yourself. Kick out anyone who doesnt speak hebrew. Maintain a ridiculous backwards tax system that enables 5 people to control the economy an drive prices up and wages down.

You can choose to become a hateful backwards country and listen devotedly to whatever youve been told or hear or you can truly work towards a new future. A future of unity despite RL differences. A future where we all work together for the better of eIsrael not for the better of ourselves or wallet.

After this is posted ill be attacked by a few different groups of people

1- A group of relatively new hebrew players ive never heard of who might be playing for a short period of time but have been conditioned to hate me for whatever arbitrary reason.

2- The masterminds behind this. The so called leaders of "the Hebrew Community" who will sacrifice a country in order to benefit themselves. (Wallet, Ego, power)

3- A few apathetic eIsraelis who will simply say im escalating things for the worst without providing any real productive advice to destroy a situation like this

4- Daniel Ender