eIreland, Unified yet Divided

Day 1,584, 12:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Emma Locksley

Today I got to talk with eIreland CP, Chew-Chew-Shoe, to talk about what eIreland is up to. They always seem to be into something, working behind the scenes, like a stage crew in a school play or corporate businessmen. I tried to shed light into Chewie’s mind for eUK so that we may understand Ireland better. They are our neighboring country who has taken a bit of our pie. So without further ado, the interview!

What is the population of eIreland like?

Unified yet divided. There are a large group of people who claim there is a ruling regime in eIreland, because they don't get elected for the presidents office. This is however wrong in my opinion, the difference is that those they call the "regime" are the ones actually working to improve things, whilst the others are lazy people who sit on their asses.

Are you a supporter of these regimes?

Apparently I am one of the leaders. Since I am president. 9_9

In the closing days of your Presidency, what state do you wish eIreland to be in?

I see Ireland with a progressed nation with greater diplomatic influence.

Who is that progressed nation?

A nation with less retards, bigger fighting force and greater diplomatic relations

Any considerations?


What is your opinion of eUnited Kingdom?

There could very well be something good coming to our nations.

What are your opinions of EDEN and ONE alliances, do you think new power alliances are in need?

Both are ridiculously stupid and inefficient, so yes, new alliances are needed.

If you had to create a new alliance what would you look to do differently?

I'd focus on the charter on the alliance most notable - keeping it from going down the direction EDEN is going down right now, valuing damage output over friendship. EDEN is neglecting all its minor nations and its own decisions.

Who are eIreland’s top 5 allies in your opinion? Top 5 enemies?

1. Bulgaria
2. China
3. Germany
4. USA
5. Croatia

2. Serbia
3. Ireland herself (Internal disputes)
4. UK
5. Sweden

What long term goals have you set in motion during you Presidency?

Molesting Sweden

Do you think you will run for CP of eIreland next month?

No, I wont.

There have been plans set in motion in eIreland and I am interested in how it will all play out. Who is this country Ireland may ally with? Will Eden and One part ways to new alliances? Will eUk and eIreland ever truly be friends? As of right now it seems only time can tell. Till next time!

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