EIRE - Party Program and Party Elections

Day 4,016, 00:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Comrade Xi Jinping


Day 4,016

Good evening comrades, enemies, and the still undecided,

Our Party is coming together quite nicely. We have welcomed some new comrades into the Party and have had an active Party Chat. We have been discussing a lot of ideas of projects and goals that our Party should strive for. I believe our Party is still in its infant stages and thus our focus should be on organizational development, recruitment, and community service. We need to organize effectively if we are to be the Party of eIreland one day. We need to recruit more eIrish into our Party if we are to be successful in elections and to have a more lively Party Chat, hear new ideas, and have more brains working together.

Our Party is based around the principles of democratic centralism, eIrish republicanism, scientific governance, socialism, militarism, and self-reliance. We seek to become the Party of eIreland, the voice of the majority, and we hope that while we work to persuade you of our merit that you join the revolutionary wave and be part of the future of eIreland! I will be featuring each principle in my articles starting today. Below I made a graph to explain how democratic centralism works!

Our Party is Based Around the Principles of Democratic Centralism

We operate our elections off-site through using a poll created by our Party President. We designate a set time period to give all members adequate time to log on and vote - if we vote on a non-emergency Party decision we allow anywhere from 3-7 days to conduct the voting process. Depending on the nature of urgent Party decisions the Party President acts as Leader of the Party and typically dictates the course of action and are therefore responsible for whatever the outcome is. If it is an emergency but voting on it is plausible then we give 24 hours - no less. Up until today we have not had the democratic process formally set up so we will be perfecting that this month.

It is important to discuss the hierarchy of our Party structure. I have created an image to visually display how our Party hierarchy operates and who has authority and who is subordinate to who. We do not force anyone to agree or do anything they disagree with, however, it is a punishable offense to actively undermine Party decisions - first offense is a Party intervention and warning, a second offense (based on the nature of the offense) is dealt with suspension of voting rights, and a third offense is expulsion from the Party. Below is our formal organizational hierarchy.

Party Organizational Structure

As the two-term Party President and the chief theoretician of the Party I will be announcing our Party Program of November 2018. I have come to conclude the direction our Party will be taking from here after some discussion in the Party Chat. Below is our Party Program:

Party Program of November 2018

I have already begun the process of initiating a Party Election for the positions of Secretary General, Councillor, and Spokesman. I will be appointing Comrade Irishman X as the honorary Vice President as I believe he shares a promising vision of the Party and believe his vision could one day lead the Party.

I will personally be undertaking the creation of a National Research Institute as an education center for all eIrish to learn, study, research, and socialize together to strengthen our nation and our community. It is my hope this resource will allow us to educate younger players on how to effectively play the game, create easy to understand tutorials, study how eIrish government policies have positively or negatively affected our society, and open up a space for anyone to research any area relating to eRepublik they so choose! This project is open non-Party citizens as well - so if you're interested please contact me or comment below!

Lastly, we urge you join our Party so we can become better for eIreland. Our Party is about perfecting the eIrishman/woman to his/her highest potential. We seek to find a competitive edge in the military game, an effective and lively political system (which has long been dead), revitalize our community and host new spaces for social interaction, and how to maximize fun in-game. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE PARTY

- Your Party President,
Mike Bane

"No revolutionary movement is complete without its poetical expression. If such a movement has caught hold of the imagination of the masses they will seek a vent in song for the aspirations, the fears and the hopes, the loves and the hatreds engendered by the struggle. Until the movement is marked by the joyous, defiant, singing of revolutionary songs, it lacks one of the most distinctive marks of a popular revolutionary movement, it is the dogma of a few, and not the faith of the multitude."