EIRE - On Ideology, eRepublik, and eIreland

Day 4,023, 00:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by Comrade Xi Jinping


"One can look at these parties and instead of promise and purpose they serve only as graveyards of wasted potential."

Day 4,022

Good evening comrades, enemies, and the still undecided -

This will be one of my more philosophical works but it is of great importance that you read and consider my position. I will be debunking the myths surrounding a scourge that has robbed eIreland of its heart and soul for far too long!

Real Life Ireland and eIreland

I will keep the history lesson short: Ireland has a rich history of resistance, rebellion, and revolution. The Irish have fought in numerous anti-imperialist and revolutionary struggles beyond their own borders - St.Patrick Battalion in Mexico, against fascist dictator Franco in Spain, stood alongside the thousands of striking workers in Glasgow, and have a long underground history of radicalism. This stems from a deep sense of fighting against injustice as Ireland has been subject to it for most of its history. The people of Ireland tend to be conscious of the fact that their struggle is connected to the worldwide struggle. Not to mention the struggle for independence was marked with passionate revolutionaries giving their lives against the world capitalist powers and arguably it has continued resistance to British imperialism to this day.

eIreland has a unique history and we should divorce the two histories from each other as they are exclusive...to a point. Yes the histories between the two are independent from each other, but every country in the game should have a relative connection to its host country's culture and therefore history. If we rob eIreland of its Irish character then who are we as a nation? A nation of faceless players who have no connection to our host nation? Even if you are not real life Irish, you must feel at least some pride in Ireland otherwise your heart is really not with our country. In my 8 years of being eIrish I have learned a rich history of Ireland and has largely guided my interested in learning about the country. I hope other non-Irish guests get the same experience.

The Poverty of No Ideology

In response to this reaction to not profess a connection to one's country but only in name, some organizations or political parties like to shield themselves under the banner of pluralism - a substitute for their lack of coherent vision. One can look at these parties and instead of promise and purpose they serve only as graveyards of wasted potential. Instead of openly sharing the same principles, they openly share in the lack of unity to enforce their illusion of unity.

The poverty of no ideology is that it ultimately is an open confession of lack of coherency, lack of leadership, and lack of a defined vision. It is the refuge of two-clickers, foreigners who don't care what happens to our lands, and don't misquote me I have nothing against foreigners - I have something against players who couldn't give a toss about their eIrish comrades. These parties serve to confuse and bring eIreland down to inactivity and social bankruptcy which plagues our once great nation.

Reclaiming the Heart and Soul of our Nation

For too long our nation has forgotten its cultural link to our real-life nation, but it's not lost! We can revive the Heart of our nation. eIreland's Heart is its connection to real life and historical Ireland. That is what makes us unique from other nations. The Soul of eIreland is our ideals of anti-imperialism, rebellion, and revolution. The last time eIreland truly embraced its heart and soul was 2011-2012 and ever since it has been forgotten and perhaps may we even suggest stolen?

My solution to regaining our Heart and Soul is rather simple:

1) Join political parties that profess a unified vision. Do not settle with lethargic parties that are too lazy to undergo thorough democratic decision making. Be part of a party that gives you a voice.

2) Get involved in community and educational projects. This will liven our community up and enrich our community. Our strength ultimately relies on getting people to have fun, yet remain competitive in our great nation.

3) Join EIRE and join the Party of the future of eIreland - the unstoppable wave of progress and national renewal!

Éirinn go Brách

- Party Chairman,
Mike Bane

"Men perish but principles live."