eHoly Wars Reignited

Day 776, 21:08 Published in Australia Australia by Arthur the Elitist Cole

After and announcement made today by Zannite officials, The High-Priest of Rangerism Aussie Bloke announced that the State of eVictoria will be declaring war against all Zannite Controlled Regions in a bid for resistance.

The Northern Confederacy under the command of Garven Dreis has sworn to protect the Zannites and have begun marching through the current neutral New South Wales. When questioned NSW Premiers Mark Sanchez about the NC Invasion of NSW his assistant stated he was busy and we should try again later.

On other fronts we have heard of nothing from the South Australians, Western Australian Premier Coppr stated that "With the holy wars raging across the country,the fact that WA is s isolated will mean that is should be protected from most of the damage caused. With this is in mind WA should rise up, and lead the new eAustralia into the future.We Have a destiny to fulfil , no matter which religion wins, and i intend to shape that destiny."

We are currently awaiting to see how the eVictorian Population reacts, since it has only been a mere 80 odd days since the Seiges and Civil War that occured in eVictoria when CrowdedHouse claimed power and the Zannites and Cozlims fought over the Cozlamic peoples rights to live in eVic until the evil Teddy Corp led by eAthiest Ollie-Chase forced them to team up and defeat the take over attempt.