eGreece, the Gynarchy and Me.

Day 715, 11:36 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

Friends and followers, you may or may not notice that I have moved to eGreece. I want you all to know that it is not permanent. I have retained my eIrish citizenship, kept my paper based in eIreland, my interviews will continue as planned and will certainly be returning. I just wanted to see the eWorld and check out the situations in different eCountries.

Recently I discovered an interesting paper. Being a lover of the female form and mind, it was incredibly intriguing. Earlier today, I saw a shout that the company that Miss Carmine runs was hiring. I took it as a sign and inquired. Turns out, her company "Cuffs and Collars" treats its employees quite well. I am fed and paid quite well considering the fact that in this Gynarchy I am a male servant.

So, here I am in Greece.
Stay tuned for more Midnight Questions, Ask Harrilal and possibly a few reports on my experiences over here in Greece. Don't forget, as an ongoing series, in my next article I will answer the first 5 questions (1 per person) in the comments section of this article.

Unfortunately, there was quite the shortage of questions in the last article, so I am grabbing one from the one before that. So here's the latest Ask Harrilal.

george heisman asks, "What is your favorite movie?"
That's really a toss up between two movies. The Hunt for Red October is probably the top of my list. I highly recommend it to everyone (and it's pretty tame, so you can watch it with your kids.. though they might find it boring). My second favourite, likely because of the childhood memories is Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

Edana Savage asks "Who will be your next interview be with?"
That's sneaky! Forcing a sneak peek. Well, I suppose just this once... The next interview will be with an Irish woman. She is well liked and often quite humourous. Her name? Well, you'll have to keep checking in to find out!

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