eFlorida Congressional Update #1: The Appreciative Steward

Day 492, 22:08 Published in USA USA by Ananias

My fellow Floridians, thank you. I wish to extend my congratulations to the other candidates in the election yesterday that received so much support from the citizens of Florida, we ran good races and each of you are a credit to the party you represented and served the interests of Floridians well in the excellent choices that you offered.

At last the campaigning is over and the election results are in, the Sunshine State has asked me to represent their interests specifically, and those of the nation as a whole, in Congress. I am honored and humbled by the turnout yesterday.

Something I said in passing to a colleague bears repeating: “Now the hard work starts, if this many citizens took the time to vote for my platform, they will be expecting results.”

And I will deliver.

These are the commitments I made during my campaign:

1. Improve military logistics and communications
2. Honor our financial commitment to support our military.
3. Propose a federal budget that plans for war.
4. Demand sound strategy and planned objectives

Those are my central priorities for this term as your representative.

My focus today has been on researching and voting on existing proposals in the pipeline:

I voted to approve an alliance with Germany. (Commitment #4)

I voted against a ridiculously high increase in minimum wage which would have detrimentally impacted our weapons, moving ticket, gifts and food suppliers and therefore supply. (Commitment #1)

I voted against a tax change in wood that would have significantly decreased revenues which should be used for meeting our military commitments. (Commitment #2)

In preparation for improving communications and identifying military funding requirements I have reached out to Leroy Combs, as my last article suggests to determine how we as citizens can support his efforts at protecting our allies from Political Takeovers, I have reached out to our Defense Secretary Moishe to determine military budgetary requirements, I spoke earlier with President Scrabman regarding how I may contribute to defense strategy, and I have reached out to Symrstar to increase the integrity of congressional communication with the Military.

I have a proposal currently being discussed in the publicly available congressional threads to identify if there is a method by which we may be able to seat a representative for Rhode Island after the electoral fraud perpetrated upon them by mexidus (who was consequently the recipient of a permanent ban from eRepublik). While many of you may wonder why I have gone to this extraordinary length for a different state than Florida, it is simple, we can either set a precedent which rewards the good faith of voters of all regions, or set a precedent which rewards cowardly acts like those of mexidus and Dillon Smith, while it appears that the several members of congress prefer the latter for various reasons, I am happy to report that several members agree with me that the disenfranchisement of even one bonafide vote is the disenfranchisement of all bonafide votes.

While some of my colleagues appear to disagree, I believe that every vote matters and every region must matter if we are to unify as a nation in common defense and common purpose. Every state must be provided the opportunity to determine their representation unimpeded by system timing and fraud, and in the event that they are blocked from fulfilling this basic right, it is our responsibility as a unified body in Congress to make whatever accommodation necessary for the citizens in every state to elect and seat their choice in representation.

We, your Congress, are only public servants and stewards of the government which is granted its authority by the citizens of America; It is your power America, not our providence, which makes eUnited States great.

Thank you again Floridians, I will endeavor to show myself worthy of every single vote that you have entrusted me with. Please do not hesitate to add me as a friend or PM me if you have questions or concerns.