eEgypt, is time to rise up!!

Day 2,263, 10:35 Published in Egypt Spain by etchner
Someone still believe that Catalgipcians doesn't want to erase egyptians from this game when Naboal, a heavyweight of the catalgipcian officialism, has wrote this on his newspaper???

Com que efectivament NO hi ha risc de perill de TO en aquestes eleccions que venen (ja que tenim tots els partits controlats i els egipcis són molt pocs)

"There isn't a real TO risk on this elections (because catalgipcians controls all the parties and there're few RL egyptians)"

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These tyrants consider RL egyptians a risk for his system, for his power. The despot of eEgytp, Edahi, wrote an article only in catalan in order to punish eEgyptians because of Aknouh actions.

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Sferrer, another groveler of the catalgyptian System, asked catalgipcians to make an outgame congress in their private forum, where no eEgyptian can access or participate.

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Repugnance!! Repugnance is the feeling that is on my mind when I saw this people on this game. I'm here since 2009 and I've never seen something similar.

Last week, catalgipcians became to steal 300 golds from the public treasure. Because they use multi-accounts in order to speculate with the economy and one organization of eEgypt was banned because of their tricks.

We can't surrender, we have to fight, we have to be implacable with them. They must feel hatred every second. We have to kick them out of eEgypt. Please, don't let them to decide who's an enemy, who has the right to have his own party and who can vote.