Editorial - Tomorrow's Election and How it Affects YOU!!!

Day 489, 20:37 Published in China China by Zhou San

Well seems it's that time of the month again (cough), the cornerstone of democracy has arrived again: Congressional elections time! But just like in real life, we must ask, "How does this affect me?". Well, simply put, it affects you in every way. From wisely spent taxes, to tax rates, to securing our borders, to providing work for our masses, the elections will shape eChina for at least the next month, and quite possibly for a long time.

For example, if a certain Indonesian-backed party (cough ...SoM) wins the majority of congress, they could drop or raise taxes at a whim and destroy our companies to improve their overseas companies' exports to eChina. Its very easy....just raise taxes so high to bankrupt our companies, then drop our import taxes to the lowest possible setting, then flood our economy with cheap goods. Then they can abandon us in the future, leaving us with no industry or money at all: the death of eChina.

"But that can't happen here!"
But it has happened so many times before that it is actually becoming funny. Case in point, look at the Iranian Central Bank. Now look at their reserves of CNY. Interesting? Many of you may not know the history of eChina so I will give a short version...

eChina was easily taken over by Pakistan in May 2008. Their allies were Indonesia and Iran. Pakistani citizens moved to eChina and created a new party which swept the elections due to the immigration from Pakistan. Upon winning the elections, eChina (Pakistani) declared war on ePakistan and then the Pakistani-Chinese fought on the attacker side of the battles, resulting in the annexation of eChina and the pilfering of our treasury.

In November 2008, eChina was freed by Iranians claiming they were saving us from Pakistani rule. They started a few resistance wars and we regained our independence and proclaimed President Balash (an Iranian) a national hero! What happened next is part of eRepublik's most notorious actions. He declared war on Iran (a war we could have won at the time due to our alliances), waited for Iran to attack the 2 provinces of Liaoning and Beijing, and then hit the surrender button. This resulted in the re-annexation of eChina and all those pretty CNY in their national bank.

Lets fast forward to more "modern" times. Last month, upon regaining our independence, some Indonesians took over the only party at the time and mostly swept the congressional elections. 10 days later, Food2Rax became president. What was the result? From the get-go he made no effort to join the forums, or the IRC channel, and the only article he wrote was when he defended himself from a pissed off electorate. He promised to regain Beijing for us and open communication with the Iranians for a possible purchase of the region, but he never did.

Instead what did he do?
Short answer, he bettered his own situation and the situation of his Indonesian-countrymen. First, we bought a hospital from him (Here) which was his only platform and a conflict of interest. After the hospital was purchased the money that went to his eChina bank (Here), the equivalent of 15 gold, disappeared and has never been seen again. A day after that, 120 pieces of food from his company, and most of the gold offers on the money market, disappeared. His own party-mate proposed his impeachment, his whole party voted yes, and everyone left eChina. So, in short, he earned 25 gold (another 10 for congressman and president), plus whatever 1000-2000 yuan was worth on the market, and then he left the country along with his lackeys.

What did we learn?
We learned 3 things:
1) Any group of people who come to eChina, conveniently close to an election, start a party, and every member runs for office, HAS ALWAYS made us bend over, had their way with us, pushed us down, beat us, and then taken our wallets.
2) Every time this has happened it has been Pakistani, Iranian or Indonesians.
3) Trust has to be earned in eChina. It can not be assumed.

So what should we do?
Short answer: Be a smart voter.
Long answer: Look at the parties.

The Stars of Melijanna - a large group of high-level Indonesians, who just recently came to eChina, created a party, and almost everyone is running for office. Sound familiar? Run by charismatic opportunist Mimihitam, it is evident that SoM is looking out for their own party members, rather than eChinese citizens in general. Not one of them has opened a company in eChina or has shown the slightest iota of interest in helping the country grow. Nor have they presented a party platform. 90% of them haven't even introduced themselves.

Freedome - created moments after Beijing and Ningxia were liberated. They are an Iranian political party dedicated to the re-annexation of eChina into eIran.

Democratic Party of China - a party of Capitalists. These are one of the good guys. A vote for them is a smart vote. If you have a job in eChina, odds are you work for one of these guys. This was the party that was taken over by Food2Rax and his lackeys. It is now free from outside influence and is dedicated to making eChina the best country in the world.

Chinese Equality Party - also a great party and endorsed by this paper. Every man, woman and child in this party has lived and breathed eChina. They will fight for you and try to make your lives as pleasant as possible. This is the party of President Logomaster304. Under Logo's leadership, we have regained Beijing, Ningxia, and Shanghai. We have stabilized the value of our currency. We survived a food crisis created by fleeing Indonesians. We have united.

So tomorrow when you are clicking your eballots and choosing your congressmen, make an informed decision and vote for CEP, or DPC. The members of SoM who don't know better, are advised to leave the party and join CEP or DPC, we will not leave you behind like they will. Our future is already set if SoM gains power, the future of subservience and abandonment.

Don't hand eChina to the Indonesians again. If anything, we should wait for the Pakistani's to create a party...it's their turn to screw us again. Indonesia should wait their turn.

Vote this up before the election begins!