Editorial Discretion

Day 294, 12:11 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

Editorial Discretion

Official Press Release
From the Mayoral Office of Heraklion

Our fellow eRepublikans

It is becoming increasingly aware that we need to clean up our act! Of course, we are talking about cleaning up spam. Over the last few days, papers have been ruthlessly defaced by spamming hooligans writing what we will refer to as the “b” word. It is not the word that bothers us; it is the amount of the word that is being menacingly plastered on the comment sections of articles. It makes it nearly impossible to engage in a meaningful discussion. This is why we feel it is necessary to take this to the higher authority: the admins. We have respectfully [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/forum-topic-72212.html]requested[/a] that the admins make editing comments on articles editable by someone other than the poster. This will allow the citizens of this great world to continue to disseminate and exchange ideas.

Press Secretary