Editor's Opening Words

Day 796, 01:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dorian Greyhound

Hello and welcome to the Greyhound Times.

I'll cut right to the chase here. I'm not going to ask for votes or subscriptions as many others do. I'm not too bothered with them. If you feel that the newspaper is interesting enough for you to vote/subscribe then do so, if not that's fine too.

Whether or not you do so, I hope the articles published in this newspaper will provide you with something enjoyable to read. At the moment, I do not have any particular topic to which this newspaper will be dedicated, however it will serve as an 'information post', if you will, which I will use to talk about anything I am involved in - be it politically, economically, or even on a military level.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you'll come back when the next article surfaces.

Dorian Greyhound
Press Director