Day 711, 00:03 Published in South Africa Sweden by SoloPlayer777

Dear eSA citizens. Old and New. I urge you to please take the time to read this:

I don't write to you today as a Congressman. I write to you today as a fellow eSouth African.

As some of you know, I was born in eSA. I have always been a part of eSA. I am a true patriot to this country. This is because I am also a real life South African, and have a passion for my land. We have a great nation! With an amazing community! And in this community, we have many new players. New in the aspect of playing eRep, and new to eSouth Africa. This is why I felt I needed to write this article.

I see that there is a new media “Hype” on EDEN and eAustralia throughout the eWorld. And especially here in eSA, people are making loud noises. I feel that some questions needs to be asked before the referendum will be held today. These are all personal statements.

I am very pro-EDEN, and anti-PEACE. This is only because of the history we have with PEACE. I am sure there are many great people that are part of PEACE, but the way they run their alliance and just take what they want is unethical.

I want every region to be returned to eSA! Its our land! Indos and Brazil do not deserve it. But what are the ways to get it? I can only think of 2: Democracy or War.

War option: Our past

Now when I was born, we tried the war option. We had many allies, and fought valiantly. If my memory serves me right, we won many great battles! But as time showed, we were not a priority for PEACE at that stage. When we became a priority, and all their focus was on us. What did we get? Our allies were busy fighting their own wars in their territories, and eSouth Africa was left dry. Yes, we had many foreigners here to help, but it was not enough. The result: eSA was wiped off the map COMPLETELY. As in we did not have any region left. We did not exist. We lost it all.

Diplomacy option: Currently

After we were destroyed, we all went underground. Became exiles in countries all over the world. We had lost everything! All our regions, all our companies, all our freedom. With diplomacy, and with a lot of patience, we found ways to get regions back. Look at where we are now! And 2 more regions are in the pipeline! Yes, we still have the most important regions in foreign hands, but diplomacy takes time and brains. Yes, it is costly, but at least we are gaining back what is ours, without the intermediate threat of loosing it all again. That is the current power of diplomacy and being neutral. This is currently working for us! Maybe not as fast as we all want it to, but it works!

The future

We have a few choices that we as a nation need to make. Today will be the first big one. I am not exactly sure what our president will put up in the referendum, but I can only guess. Lets discuss the possibilities:

Joining EDEN: This is what many people are crying for. eAustralia did it yesterday! And look! They have a region returned and the full support of EDEN. ok... so what happens in a few days time? Following the past of PEACE, they will most assuredly plan a massive offensive. If its gonna be against Australia, or Malaysia or America, only time will tell. What I ask is... lets say Malaysia, Australia and America get attacked all at once... who will EDEN defend?...

NOW, Imagine we join EDEN... and that same scenario plays off... and Brazil attacks us? With so many offensives, who will EDEN help then? And I am only talking about 2 PEACE nations... im not even talking about all the others. I can only imagine the outcome of this... eSA wiped off the map again. Back to square one. We loose everything! Is this something that we want? Again?

There are a lot of people that talk big (some of them are now running for CP), but they are still young. And do not have an idea what it is to loose EVERYTHING. They have nothing to loose. But we as a country do. We have everything to loose!

I think that before we make any rash decisions on joining an alliance, or make any big move whatsoever... we should choose the timing right. I think the timing now will put us in a bad place. If we join EDEN, we neighbour 2 of the strongest military nations in PEACE, and arguably even in the eWorld. If we join PEACE, then EDEN will most probably retaliate. Joining an alliance now does not seem to be the right time. There are too many emotions, and too many other factors to take into consideration.

I say we stay NEUTRAL, and see how things play out. The least amount of noise we make now, will only be advantageous to us as a nation. Lets put all our emotions aside, and think logically for a while... and choose what is best for our nation in the long run, and not join a hype. This hype is being used for personal gain for some players. They are using it to fool you, so that they can gain fame and maybe even a medal. The cost: eSA is lost.

Is this what you really want?

Thank you for reading.