EDEN needs YOU to vote!

Day 1,084, 14:30 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Jsboutin


EDEN as a whole biggest problem, at the moment, is that with the new strenght migration, PHOENIX's usually older players are at an advantage because it is now almost a certainty that age was the key factor for your new strenght.

Wether or not it was a good surprise for you, EDEN as a whole is now less strong in average than phoenix is.

So where, for which option why do you need to vote?


Here: http://forum.erepublik.com/showthread.php/104687-Strength-calculation?p=1323114#post1323114

(Yes, I know it gets you to a random post in the topic, but I couldn't get the main link to work :/)

For which option? : To keep it as is.

Why?: Simple.

If x is the average strenght of EDEN soldiers and y the average strength of PHEONIX soldiers:


y/x = n>1

With d the number of days elapse😛

d > 0

So please vote to keep it as is in this forum poll:


Thank you,

-CAF member and officer