eCricket - eAustralia Domestic Cup

Day 742, 04:30 Published in Australia Australia by stewstoyc

G'day eAustralia

Well eCricket is back once again at our shores.
I have been working on starting it up once again the last few days advertising sign ups on IRC and Forums.

Yesterday I created 3 teams: MilitaryMaxx XI, Confederate Reds and The Drunken XI
Edit: I have now played the whole of season 1 (testing season) and I will be starting season 2 tomorrow.
Today I have now created a 4th team, which will be added into the competition when the first season has finished.

Teams were created by a Fantasy Draft, were the 3 team managers got to choose there players round by round for 11 rounds. To view the Fantasy Draft Click Here.

If you would like to sign up Click Here.
I am also looking for more team managers so I can add even more teams, so please contact me.

-x- -x- -x- -x- -x- -x-

If you would like to view all the stats for season 1.

Click Here

Scotywest (stewstoyc)

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