Economic Update

Day 1,152, 19:43 Published in Australia Australia by Savonrepus

Well courtesy of Admin we have been through some massive changes over the last few days with company manager work. The additional volume of goods produced has led to large price reductions especially Manufactures and falls in wages.

A couple of tips going forward.

Become a Company Manager
Get a company on the side to your normal job especially Raw Materials - you get to make all you can sell minus the cost of 10 wellness units. Of course you are limited to 300 food wellness a day plus whatever you can get from housing - and you should leave some wellness for food fights so getting unlimited amounts of companies doesn’t really work but a company or 2 on the side is good.

The more companies you work as a manager the faster your work skill will rise.

If you are a company manager get a job outside your company group. You will be able to work in your company as a manager so you don’t need to work there as an employee. A good idea is to come to a reciprocal agreement with another company owner - by co-operating you will be doing each other a favour.

Find a Friend
Friends bonus have never been more valuable. You get to use the friends bonus for nothing each time you work, work as a manager and train. Even if friends leave - it is a good idea to keep them alive if you are still using them for the bonus. I have housing for this purpose - Jaga bayimu - means Look after your baby in Indo.

In relation to friends and this is just my perspective - in relation to those close to me it is sometimes difficult to communicate the intensity of this place so if I need to get a 'friend' I look to acquaintances and communicate the simple message - Interested in economics, politics or military strategy - have a look at this place - and send your citizen link - given the volume of contacts possible through social networking it doesn’t take long to find an interested friend. I use icq for this purpose - not that I spend much time doing this - I am a long way from a society builder medal but to maximise my workload all I need is 2.

Encourage and Existing Citizen
Right now eAustralia needs citizens and the more friends you can encourage the more chance we have of finding citizens with a strong interest to stay.

Futher remember each and every citizen is human - this is part of the fun of the place so sometimes it is nice to give encouragement as well as flame. Just remember each citizen that comes back each day is someone that increases your fun as a citizen.

Currency Outlook
With the huge amount of AUD on the market when the over production when Company Manager Work hit many currencies hit the wall. Admin however have since modified the Company Manager Work system from the cost of 5 wellness units to 10. As a result international currencies have rebounded a little. Remember when you work as a company manger your production cost is only 10 wellness units and as the Australian Market is limited due to the low population export is the best thing you can do. Especially food and high quality weapons during war you can move a large amount of goods in a short period of time. Any exporting you can do assists the local currency and enables the Government to raise gold to pay for its commitments.

I am hopeful the currency will not fall below its current level however this will not be easy given the amount of currency on the market. The key to assisting the currency is citizen growth.

Market Shortages
Anyone with a dormant stone company - either overseas or already in Australia I strongly recommend to get it into your citizen account and start producing. The market is critically short of stone - it seems that admin have stopped the ability to start new stone companies yet with the new manager work rules there is now a resurgence in demand for housing to assist wellness recovery.

Budget Outlook
With the Budget before the senate there is not a lot of detail that I can go into but when it came to power the Sir_C0nstant government inherited a set of finances where there was no money in the bank - and significant amounts owing on 'loans'. In the short period of time with appropriate tax increase and asset management programs the Sir_C0nstant government has made significant inroads in restoring some credibility to our country's finances. Whist excessive expenditure can be fun at times fiscal irresponsibility does put the future of the country at risk and we are not out of the woods yet.

Sorry about the wall of text and this is about all I can think of at the moment but feel free to comment or pm me if you need more detail on the content.