Economic news

Day 1,214, 09:16 Published in USA USA by Pearcey333

I am interrupting my trilogy today because in the past two days the economic module has some great changes.

two days ago, like many i receive this:
“Dear general manager,

Starting tomorrow (Day 1,213) investing in your company will worth more!

How come? Because, for every work, more products will be created in upgraded companies.

The raw material consumption will be proportional, so it is important to make sure there are enough resources for the upgraded company to run at full capacity.

Yours truly,

eRepublik Governor“

At first i thought great, a bit more value to upgrading my company’s instead of buying more companies. I was fine with it until yesterday when I found more raw materials had been depleted. However, this is still good because it has raised demand and as result raw materials are worth more therefor companies earn more, government gets more tax money and workers can be entitled to better pay. 🙂 good all round.

I thought life couldn't get any better but yesterday i receive😛

“Dear General Manager,

Starting tomorrow (Day 1,214) investing in raw material companies will bring you more resources!

All citizens working in raw material companies will extract a double ammount of resources.

Take advantage of this increase to make sure your manufacturing and construction companies run at full capacity.

Yours truly,

eRepublik Governor“

This proves three things:
1. Plato does care above the economic of the game and helps stabilise the raise in value of raw materials by increasing the supply, thus reducing demand and prices.
2. Plato can react quickly to potentially bad situations before they cause too many complaints.
3. Plato is human! I know it seems to be untrue but there is a spelling error in the message above.

Now that I know Plato is human and he is looking out for us:

I sent him some girls

He liked it