Economic Lessons

Day 228, 18:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

Several economic issues first addressed in the Exchange Market Stabalized article which I would like to address here.

Economics is basically the study of scarcity. ImaNewbie has kept IEP off the market so the IEP has dramatically increased in value. I for one am glad that the IEP has increased though I would propose a small change. I think maybe a small daily infusion of IEP on the exchange market would eb for the best because as of now there is almost no IEP that can be bought. In this case ImaNewbie cold act as a National Bank. The daily amount would be small to limit inflation anywhere from 25-50 IEP.

The ISG group commented in the last article that because our IEP was so valuable we would be flooded with foreign imports and our exports would dry up. Del Muerte addressed this " We aren't being dumped on - small local industries aren't fighting off excessive imports and irish exports are (afaik) doing rather well due (in small part - the low wages help big time) to the exchange rates. This is obviously correct our markets our fine and I know my exports are still doing well. This is all because of Ireland's two rounds of price cuts. The first carried out during my administration and the second during Michael Collin's. According to Kaleb's Economic League Table Ireland has had the lowest prices in all of erepublik for months !( Not sure now)

Like I was saying our economy is doing great but if you could put a wee bit more on the market that would be great. From what it seems industry does need it and yes that includes myself I am extremely IEP poor.

On a side note: Anyone with large amounts of IEP wanting gold message me