Economic League Table Feb 29th

Day 101, 10:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kaleb

Now that the GDP and RER stats are fixed I can get back to my weekly Economic League table! I plan to do an update every Friday.

I will be tracking the top 20 from now on but I'll only show the top 12 (by population) in my table. One reason I am limiting it to the top 12 is that the larger the population the less likely there will be really odd jumps in the stats. e.g both Franch and the Netherlands have had big changes in their stats mainly due to population changes that wouldn't have had the same dramatic effect in a bigger population country.

Starting next week I will also put the weekly percentage changes and position changes in each table.

1 Sweden 3035
2 Norway 1342
3 Indonesia 1269
4 Spain 982
5 Portugal 728
6 USA 670
7 Pakistan 629
8 UK 604
9 Iran 545
10 Romania 543
11 Brazil 451
12 Turkey 430

1 Sweden 1455
2 Indonesia 804
3 Norway 791
4 Spain 547
5 Pakistan 416
6 Iran 415
7 Portugal 396
8 UK 329
9 USA 309
10 Romania 308
11 Turkey 261
12 Brazil 163

1 Iran 23.90%
2 Pakistan 33.86%
3 Indonesia 36.62%
4 Turkey 39.21%
5 Norway 41.08%
6 Romania 43.28%
7 Spain 44.34%
8 UK 45.61%
9 Portugal 45.67%
10 Sweden 52.06%
11 USA 53.88%
12 Brazil 63.86%

1 Sweden 10.32
2 Spain 13.2
3 Indonesia 13.59
4 UK 16.03
5 Norway 23.65
6 Romania 34.21
7 Iran 34.68
8 USA 36.38
9 Portugal 36.4
10 Pakistan 47.23
11 Turkey 51.23
12 Brazil 54.51

1 Sweden 10725.31
2 Norway 4249.03
3 Indonesia 4042.5
4 Spain 4025.14
5 Portugal 2737.79
6 UK 2407.31
7 Pakistan 1871.58
8 Romania 1828.5
9 Turkey 1527.07
10 Brazil 1443.2
11 Iran 1336.41
12 USA 1299.26

1 Spain 4.1
2 UK 3.99
3 Portugal 3.76
4 Turkey 3.55
5 Sweden 3.53
6 Romania 3.37
7 Brazil 3.2
8 Indonesia 3.19
9 Norway 3.17
10 Pakistan 2.98
11 Iran 2.45
12 USA 1.94