Economic Development and New Ideas

Day 575, 15:02 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Good evening Israel,

As part of the economic growth and strengthening plan I am going lay out my tax plans. This is not yet set in stone so please comment as you see necessary. For the most part, taxes are going to come down with two exceptions. Here is what the new tax base will look like.

Food - 8% income, 20% import, 3% VAT
Gifts - 8% income, 35% import, 3% VAT
Weapons - 8% income, 25% import, 3% VAT
Moving tickets - 8% income, 35% import, 3% VAT
Grain - 1% income, 1% import
All other raw materials - 0% income, 1% import
Houses - 8% income, 35% import, 3% VAT

This is the old tax base

Food – 10% income, 15% import, 5% VAT
Gifts – 10% income, 50% import, 5% VAT
Weapons – 10% income, 20% import, 5% VAT
Moving tickets – 10% income, 50% import, 5% VAT
Grain – 5% income, 5% import
All other raw materials 0% income, 0% import
Houses 10% income, 50% import, 5% VAT

As you can see, everyone will get a 2% across the board income tax cut, and everyone will get a 2% across the board VAT cut. The only things that are increasing is a 5% import tax on food, a 5% import tax increase on weapons, and a 1% increase on import taxes for all other raw materials.

Going further with economic development I am going to rehash an old idea of Sadeh’s, the Israeli Economic Improvement Department (or IEID for short) this department will be headed by Jeff Sullivan and will provide helpful information to perspective company owners, get established companies to sell their products in this country, and many other things. More will be released on this idea by Jeff in the coming days.

It has also come to my attention that, even though there is an established IDF website and a very easy “click here to enlist” link on that website, some people still don’t know how to enlist. The only way that is possible is because, they don’t know it exists. That got me thinking… what else do our citizens not know? To combat this I am going to create an official eIsrael website which will link all useful information about our country to a single place. The website will have links to our forums, to the various party forums, to the IDF website, to our IRC and MSN chats, and provide helpful information to beginning players such as tutorials.

Going further with this idea, once the new website is completed, we will be writing a new citizen message for new players with the link to the website displayed prominently so new players can start off on the right track.

Anyone else have good ideas? Please PM me. I want to be as accessible as possible to the citizens and to congress.

As always, have an awesome day Israel,