Economic Changes Favor the Legion

Day 1,271, 22:04 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

Well, now that the servers have calmed down and things are settled I’ve been able to redo the math on The Independent Legion supply sheets, and the results have been extremely positive.

With our current supply of 20 food and 2 weapons, under the old economic system, it was impossible to be completely self sufficient. To ensure that we always had enough supplies, I simply employed enough members in the weapon and food companies, and purchased any extra grain or iron that was needed. This lead to some serious operation costs, however thanks to the generous donations of Luke Peters, Chamrajnagar and Kronos Q, as well as the profit’s I made selling houses, it remained manageable.

Upon seeing the changes the admins made to the economy, I was optimistic that the Independent Legion would now be self sufficient. Production had went up, and prices went down. As you can see here, the IL now actually runs at a profit, and a very nice one to! 😮 If things continue like this, I intend to increase supply, and IL members will be receiving 30 Q5 food, and 3 Q5 weapons, while members on weapons only supply would get 6 Q5 weapons.

While that’s pretty awesome and all, personally I think this is the icing on the cake.

No longer are companies maxed at 10 employees, you can now employ as many employees in one company without affecting productivity. This means we don’t have to worry about acquiring more companies, which for a commune that supplies Q5 stuff, could become problematic.

In other news, Kronos Q has developed an awesome damage tracker, and is testing it out on IL. Check it out here