
Day 754, 13:40 Published in Estonia United Kingdom by Mickale

At long last! To all those subscribers who were waiting for my rant on communism (to either argue with me or laugh at my raving) I give you now: Communism.

Before we judge the commies, we must ask ourselves, why did communism even arise? What exactly is communism? Why am I asking so many questions? The answers:

Communism is a form of government by which the state owns EVERYTHING. (By the way, before I go any further, I'm going to tell you right now this is M definition of communism, the "Official" definition may be slightly different[propaganda for sure!]) In the ideal form of this government, people have no desires other than to exist on a medium scale of life. If you want an example, you can look to the American Education System. They teach to the average person, leaving the more capable children untested and the less capable struggling. However, in communist society, we see that there can be virtually no luxuries. Everyone works for the government, everyone is treated with equality. Essentially, we could systematically give every Estonian a number, from 1 - however many people there are, and those would be their names. There is no "self" among the collective. Indeed, the only way for any kind of system to function would be if everyone worked cooperatively towards helping the state, since your employer is the Communist Dictator. Ironically, in a system that is intended to give people full equality, the leader and his inner circle are the only people who legally obtain luxuries. It's a sad, sad thing - full of hypocrisy.

Now, it may seem like I am attacking communism for being corrupt or something. No, I am not. Communism is actually LESS corrupt than systems designed for individuals. In a communist society, the only corruption can come from the government, in regular Individualistic society, corruption can come from anyone from your elderly neighbor to your employer. However, I would like to state communism, in its purist form, similarly to capitalism, does not work. (in real life) Why? People are not nor will ever be equal. There will always be smarter people and less-smart people, to say the least, and this difference cripples both the most individualistic of societies and the most collective of societies.

Now, how does this relate to erepublik, after all, anyone playing this game mostl ikely is not on to hear some crazy Estonian Citizen nerd-rage about governments in the real world.

In erepublik, we find countries (such as eRussia, eItaly, eUK) have dominant communist parties in the top 5. Now, before we start fearing the Iron Curtain, let it be known "communism" in erepublik (eCommunism) does not exist. There is no possible way for such a high level of socialism to ever be put in effect, the game simply does not allow it. In fact, it doesn't really matter whether your party is left-wing or right-wing - it's totally arbitrary. The point? ALL eGovernments are simply different words in different languages given to the same exact thing.

Now, taxes may vary from one form to the other, but they do so in countries of the same type of government anyway, so that is not a distinctive difference. Quite simply, parties such as the Communist Parties, are created to serve no other purpose than to gather some laughs at the local office cooler to say "Ho ho ho, I created a communist party in (insert unknown country here)!" Indeed, they're nothing more than a sick fancy of some lunatic Stalinist or Maoist or something else of that nature. It's sad.

Alas I must wrap up this article quickly for I have plans that need to be set ---- I mean I have to help the elderly cross the streets of Estonia should they get hit by cars... or should a grandma get run over by a reindeer... 🙂

Tune in next time for a new type of article that will present all of you wonderful subscribers and more to the splendorous opportunities i will give you through the information of that very next article.