eCommunism [Q&A]

Day 556, 03:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar
"Wait! I thought that communism was evil?!"

Whoa, simmer down there Johnny.

"It's Timmy..."

Whatever, Bobby.

You see, the word "eCommunism" derives from eC, the Greek letter of peace and love, so it couldn't possibly be evil. Trust us.

"What about communism without the 'e'?"

Well, communism without the e means that it begins with C.

"Yeah, but what-"

I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about there, Johnny. You'll have to ask another question.

"Well, what's it about?"

Good question, Davey. You see, in an ideal new world we'd be able to actually implement it into politics and the economy, but sadly there's actually little we can do aside from say we're left-wing and try to work around the game mechanics - which is very hard.

"So why do people not like you?"

Well, it's all because some people have a rare Greek spelling disease, which means they can't read "eC" and instead can't see the 'e'. It's sad, but it's not the worst ailment to have.

Basically it means that people - particuarly people in other parties - can pin things on us that just isn't fair. We've never tried to pin faults of previous parties in the old world on them, but because of the rare disease, they do it to us.

"Gee, mister, you don't do it to them?"

No, Billy, because that would be wrong. It's not their fault that they have it, we just have to try to give ourselves a good image.

"So how do you do that?"

By having someone like Kumnaa tell everyone.

"Who's Kumnaa?"

Good question. Kumnaa - also known as Our Dear Leader, The One, Epic Win, Barry Scott and God - is the man who is representing the PCP (the eCommies) in the next election.

"Will he win?"

Of course he will, Jilly. He's epic win afterall.

"How do I support him?"

Well, you can go to the rallies, help build motorways, openly parade for him and show your appreciation wherever possible.

"Isn't that like what dictators have people do?"

Hahaha, good one Timmy. You're finally getting this joke business.


That's all we have time for, I'm afraid.

If you'd like to be intereviewed, then please contact your local PCP propaganda office, or just shout stuff in the street like a drunk.

A little reminder: don't believe everything you hear, the media can lie to you occasionally (but we promise not to). Careless talk costs lives. Dig for victory.

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