eChurch: Exilious, Patron Saint of Fail

Day 751, 23:07 Published in South Africa Israel by Amun Nefer

I, Cardinal Amun Nefer of eSouth Africa do hereby ask the Holy eChurch and his eHoliness John Lulz I that Exilious be beatified for his courageous failing and fail attempts and PTO. I ask that the eChurch also consider him for patronage, as the protector of failtrolls and chantards alike.

Exilious has worked long and hard to ensure that his level of fail is always in a class of its own. Whether it's writing articles no one cares about, organising PTOs and trying his best to troll, but just never quite getting it right. No one else in eSA fails quite like our Exilious, and so I would like to formally request his beatification to Pope John Lulz I of eUK

As representative of the eRoman eCatholic Church in eSouth Africa, I speak for all the flock when I say this is the will of the people and so let it be done.