eCanadian Remembrance Day: The 30th

Day 953, 07:23 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto

My fellow eCanadians the time has come for our long awaited and first eCanadian Remembrance Day and I am here to present you with a couple of events happening today.

IRC Channel
> Our one and only AngryMobMan will be guarding the newly made IRC channel on mibbit where people can ask questions about today and events. You can also ask to take part in future events or offer your own creative ideas. By joining the eCan channel, you can join our channel by typing /j #eCanRemembrance .">Discussion of Honour
> Here you will find a discussion of Honour dedicated to every eCanadian who we've come to loose along the years. Feel free to drop a comment or a word of consent.

Got questions?
> Above you will find a link to a "Compose Message" page, this will allow you easy access to get in contact with me. You can ask any questions regarding this day and even drop by just to say Hi! Ideas are also always welcome.

Library of Articles
> Any articles referring to this event or linking to this article are immensely appreciated (The link above will lead you to the "Write an Article" Page, just a booster 😉). If you write an article about this or if you have seen an article that isn't featured here please contact me and I will link all articles here..:

> I have started a lottery to highlight this special Day, for a chance to win the prize:
1. Vote and Subscribe (not mandatory 😛)
2. Leave a Comment (Worth 1 lottery ticket)
3. Write an article Mentioning this article OR this event (Worth 5 lottery tickets)
The Lottery will be closed at 00:00 (eRepublik Time) and the Winners will be announced tomorrow.
1st Prize: A Q4 House
2nd Prize: 500CAD
3rd Prize: 100CAD

Short Lottery Guide
> I will be using this website to randomly choose three winners. Each Person will receive a maximum of 7 tickets. A Maximum of Two Comments are counted and a Maximum of One Article per person is counted. A Number for each ticket will be handed by order of appearance to each person by ticket.

Spread the News

Yours Truly,