eCanada time to rant(cry)!

Day 2,142, 22:08 Published in Canada Canada by Lordjas

Hello all! Its time for a little rant....

When we were wiped, how did you imagine eCanada would be?

Working together, helping our allies with an air strike maybe?

Now that we have it back, I feel that we worked better when we were WIPED!
I am all for keeping people accountable, but since congress has been back more and more people are attacking me because of the IMAGINARY POLITICAL PARTY I picked, rather than you know maybe attack the PLATFORM or CAMPAIGN PROMISES. Most of the time its CPF did this, MDP are this, CW are that, or IPC are bunch of idiots.

Instead of attacking another political party or person why not write an article to help new players? Maybe help Canada, with a baby boom idea? Maybe raise money for a food program for people starting out! Mentorship programs! Think of something productive, please?

If you see a hole in a platform, go for it,but lets try not to be real politicians.
We don't get paid to do this, lets enjoy this 2nd life...

Thank you for listening to my cry attack, lol

May the force be with you! o7