eCanada Quiz Results

Day 1,331, 19:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Hello to all Irish Citizens and all the ships at sea. Hello to all our Canadian allies as well as I understand this is also to be published in Canada. A few days ago the Irish Community held a quiz. The subject was the glorious nation of....

I’m sure those of you who read the article and posted answers to the Community are all waiting with baited breath for the answers and to find out who won. Well I won’t keep you waiting.

1. Who claimed Canada for France in 1534? Jacques Cartier
2. Who founded Quebec City in 1608? Samuel de Champlain
3. Which war ended French control over Canada and handed it to British rule? Seven Years or French and Indian War. Same war-different name.
4. Who warned the Canadians of an impending attack in June of 1813? Laura Secord
5. On what date was the Dominion of Canada formed? July 1, 1867
6. What type of leaf in on the Canadian flag? Maple
7. What is the Capital of Canada? Ottawa
8. Who is the Canadian Head of State? Queen Elizabeth II of England
9. When was the National Anthem “ O Canada” officially adopted? 1980
10. What is the population of Canada? 34 million
11. How many countries does Canada border? One
12. What is the largest island in Canada? Baffin Island
13. What is the tallest mountain in Canada? Mount Logan
14. What is the most recent Canadian Territory? Nunavut
15. Why is the Canadian Dollar called “The Loonie”? It has a loon on it.
16. Who is the President of eCanada? Sperry
17. How many original regions does eCanada have? 13
18. Canada joined which alliance in January 2011? Terra
19. What is the most subscribed paper in eCanada? Stop the Abuse
20. What is the largest political party in eCanada? EPIC

And now you know. And knowing is half the battle.

And we had three people get all 20 answers correct. The winners are Macubex8, John Gormley and Grainne Ni Mhaille. Congratulations to you all. You are all the proud winners of 50 q5 weapons.

We had four other entries who are also winners of some weapons. 10 q5 weapons will be going to Chetter Hummin, Marcus Suridius, JohnSmith2k9, and Daghdha. Congratulations to you all.

You should all receive your weapons sometime tomorrow due to my busy schedule.

I would like to thank all those who participated and I would also like to thank Nogin the Nog for the generous donation she made to the Community that helped make this contest possible.

Stay tuned for more contests and the lottery in the coming days.


Your Ministers of Community
James Keiller
Anthony Colby