eBulgarian еmbassy

Day 944, 02:09 Published in Slovenia Bulgaria by penchev

Dear eSlovenians, as a bulgarian ambassador I'm supposed to check the articles in your press from time to time. However using google translate bothers me too much, so I rarely do this. In order not to feel guilty for not doing my job, whatever it consists of, I follow the latest events in your country. There is something that is worth to focus you attention a bit on: An alliance with eBulgaria

I'm pretty lazy, so that's the only image I could find that has any relevance with friendship 😉

So now you will have the chance to know whether it's worth the gold. As I wrote in my previous article( hope at least someone remembers it ) our national virtual army is the only thing, that we are actually happy with in eBulgaria. The army was once just a project but is now a goal for every new player. Being part of it gives you the status of more than just soldier. It's a virtual structure in which all the active players gather. Special channels for communications are made for the whole army, for the different divisions in it and for every single squad. We have president and ministers standing above everyone, division commanders, squad commanders(I happen to be one of them) and regular soldiers. This is useful for better communications, and soldiers are happy to be not just part of the army, but also part of a division and part of a squad. In these squads soldiers often become friends. Even at the time, I'm writing this article, someone of them is writing something in our skype chat. Well, actually none is writing now but they were about half an hour ago 😉

Our First army consists of eleven division. Each division has 5 squads in it and a squad has about 10 soldiers, two of them being commanders. First army also has a special division with more powerful soldiers that participate in more complicated missions which involve a lot of travelling around the eWorld. And that's not all. There is a special structure in the army, that is mainly for young players. It consists of two squads for education of soldiers before sending them to the real squads. And even that's not all because our First army was such a success, that we have now started organizing a Second army. Soldiers in our army are still not that strong, but strength is growing with every day. In a single battle with regular fights with q1 weapons we can easily make to 500 000 damage. We also have an elite squad that has unlimited opportunities, when not torn by scandals 😉

Our army has it's orders through a !!, not through the newspapers so that enemies are not aware of what the alliance is about to do. Soldiers are supplied with tickets and weapons for the more important battles.

So if you happen to be in trouble sometimes, our brave soldiers will always be there to help, except for the occasions when our server brakes and our !! stops working 😉

Here is the avatar, which most of our soldiers use, so that it's easy to be recognized in battle:

That's the picture of my squad. Every squad has a nickname. Our is "The lions" so that's what that lion is doing there. Behind the lion is the bulgarian flag. You can also see that avatars are quite similar to the PHOENIX one. The numbers show the division and the squad, and beneath you can check out whether the soldier is a captain, a leutanant, a colonel or a general.