eBoxing-Final article before realese!

Day 953, 11:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pineapple64

*Edit - First 5 eBoxer get a big boost! - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-atention-ecitzens--1440561/1/20

Final Ideas!

After alot of thinking and discussing i have decided on eBoxing!

At the moment eBoxing is underconstruction!

My latest article about the feedback poll was a success quite a few ideas was thrown and alot of them will be used!

The main problem of eBoxing is im short of GOLD at the moment so out of your small(Very small)eBoxing Fees i will be using them to create an ORG(I know it's 5GOLD but im saving for a Q4 house)


1.Register as an eBoxer! - Fill out a form with Just basic ePersonal details!*Password must be created with your eBoxer(Make sure its different to your eRepublik account!) - The link will be posted soon when its constructed! Also it will be on eBoxing's verry own website!

2.Training! - Of course eBoxers must train! It will be splited to four different types of training-
1.Punchbag session-Increases attack
2.Sparring session-Increases Defence
3.Gym session-Increases Fitness
4.eBoxing school lesson-Increases tactics!

How do you train?Again just a simple 4click to fill a form-eBoxer's name, Password and wich skill you want to train!The costs will be the same as eRepublik's But cheaper! Attack and Defence may be trained for free or you may pay
0.20 GOLD To increase effects 50%
0.30 GOLD To increase effects 100%
0.50 GOLD To increase effects 200%

To increase you'r fitness and tactics it will cost 0.30 GOLDFitness and tactics reach to a higher score in you'r fight stats(More on that in number 4)

After you fill the form (If you chose a costing training)you donate the money to either me pineapple64 or if it will be avalible, the eBoxing org(It will be on the form's)
All of the details will be kept safe and private for me(To make sure no one sees everyone else's skill to make sure that they woulnt know each other skills before a match)
If you require to know you'r skill contact me or soon the eBoxing org and ask and i will reply as soon as i see it
Free training raises you're skill point 1, Doesnt matter what skill you are it allways raises it 1, When you add effects it will be X the effects!

3.eBoxing Store - Yep! Thats right... There will be an eBoxing store! The store will be selling such items as-

Light PunchbagIncreases Punchbag session's(Attack training) effects 50%(If you pay for 50% training this will add to you'r 50% and the 100 and 200!]
Meduim weight punchbagIncrease punchbag session effects 100%
Heavy punchbagIncrease punchbag session effects 200%

Sparring GlovesIncrease sparring session(Defence tarining)effects 50%
Sparing helmetIncrease sparring session effects 100%
Sparring partnerIncrease sparring session effects 200%

Skipping ropeIncrease gym session(Fitness training) effects 50%(You still must pay for this training)
Exercise bikeIncrease gym session effects 100%
TreadmillIncrease gym session effects 200%

Tactics bookIncrease Tactics lesson effects 50%[You still must pay for this training]
Public Lesson by mike tysonIncrease tactics lesson effect -340% LMAO only kidding increase effect 100%
Private lesson by Mike TysonIncrease tactics lesson effects 200%

50% skill items=1GOLD
100% skill items=2GOLD
200% skill items=2.5GOLD

Q1 Boxing gloves=+20% match total damage score(1GOLD)
Q2 boxing gloves=+40%(1.5GOLD)
Q3 boxing gloves=+60%(2GOLD)
Q4 boxing gloves=+80(2.5GOLD)
Q5 boxing gloves=+100(3GOLD)

4.How to fight? -
eBoxing match damage score
AttackYou're attack will be x 10 with you're skill and that will give you're attack score.
defenceYou're defence will be x10 with you're skill and that will give you you're health
fitnessYou're fitness will be x20 with you're skill and that will give you you're health and it will add with defence total score to make you're final health
tacticsYou're tactics will be x20 with you're skill and that will give you you're attack score and it will add with you're attack total score to make it you're final attack damage score

How do you win?
Total damage V total health
1.If both players fail to pass total health the match will be a draw!
2.If player 2 pass the total health of other player and player 1 fails to pass the total health of player 2, Player 2 Wins!
3.If both player passes the total health of each other who ever has most attacl damage wins!
4.To win the eBoxer must have his total damage above his opponents defence no matter what is his total damage!


Player 1-Total Damage-340 Player 2-Total Damage-30
Player 1-Total defence-25 Player 2-Total defence 350

Player 2 Wins!!!!
Player 1 failed to get pass his health while player 2 passed player 1's defence!

5.eBoxing tournament!Every month there will be atleast 1 tournament help possibly 3🙂
1.eBoxing championship Everyone around the world can parcipicate in this tournament! It will be a knockout round and i will use a random number generator from the web to choose the fixures.
-It will cost 1GOLD to enter and winner takes 80% the GOLD from entery fee and the GOLD that was recived from training fee's! The runner up will also recived 15% and third place will recive 5%
2.eBoxing nation v nation Everyone from the both country will be fighting v everyone from the other country and wich ever country wins most matches wins the tournament.Not sure about entery fee yet i must contact the prime minister/president of each country to make an entery fee, If they reject no prize fee will be placed.
-Not sure about entery fee yet i must contact the prime minister/president of each country to make an entery fee, If they reject no prize fee will be placed.
3.________ eBoxing championshipThis is a national tournament, Only citzen from the selected country may take part!
-The entry will be free and the winner takes all the GOLD from training costs-No runners up prize.

6.More info on eBoxing
-I will post an article on friday(Should be realesed on friday)Giving the link to the website.
-There will be 3 Forms-1.eBoxer registration 2.eBoxer's training 3.eBoxing tournament sign up!
-I will post atleast 1 article a week giving out info on eBoxing(Latest players, Next tournament, Tournament result!
-If an eBoxer win a tournament they will be "Champions of the world" If they won the eBoxing championship, "Champion of the uk" or maybe "Champion of the usa" If they won the national tournament!
-Every eBoxer that register's will be on the eBoxing website and if they get a'n achivement-Champion,Runner up,Third e.g It will be on their name!

Register now and prepare for friday(The relase date)


*You cannot do nothing with you're eBoxer untill it fully constructed and released!