
Day 951, 08:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Pineapple64
eUK New Sport!

After reading please fill this form - http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dEFrQTVhYmJIWUVTcWhCT0RFem01Mmc6MQ#gid=0

Recently ive been finding eRepublik verry boring because of lack of content in the eUk. Only games that i know of is eOlympics and eFootball!
I have been thinking of adding stuff to the eUk to intrest more people and more entertainment in the eUk!And i got an ideah...

Yes eBoxing, Whatever you think about eBoxing i hope to make it a great eSport! I have plenty of ideas to make this a fantastic sport for eUk but it will require lots of work to create it!
Thats why im waiting for feedbacks about this ideah to see what people think about it first before i actually start it🙂

More on eBoxing
The training-Im thinking of a small fee to train and different training such as Punchbag session(Increase your Damage)And fitness Session(Increase your stamina)Sparring training(Increase your defence)And something to improve your tactics maybe...
Boxing Match-At the moment im thinking of Skills calculation and who ever has the most skills wins the match but i will reaserch to try and make it more intresting e.g by adding choices you can make-Tactics you will be using and more
Tournaments-I thought of hosting 1 Tournaments every month, Different kind of tournament e.g Tournament 1-Any player around the world can parcipicate and winner wins the prize. Tournament 2- Nation vs Nation e.g Uk vs USA, Every boxer plays eachother and nation with most wins, Wins the Tounament... Tournament 3- Boxer in 1 nation plays eachother and winner takes the prize(Similar to Tournament 1)

This will be a non-Profit eSport-If the sport get published all Gold donated from Training and Tournaments entered will go towards Winners prize and improving eBoxing!

This is just first ideas! I will post more articles with 2nd Ideas!

If you are really intrested in creating this eSport please contact me so we can discuss the sport!
If your'e good with computers i would like some help develeping eBoxing from just a simple game to a great lay out page like eRepublik!

Please fill out this form, You're time is deeply appreiciated - http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dEFrQTVhYmJIWUVTcWhCT0RFem01Mmc6MQ#gid=0

Thats me holding the puncbag in the centre(I am a club boxer in RL)

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