eBelgium aftermath

Day 813, 03:38 Published in Japan Japan by andrasjj


All votes and subs are highly appriciated.

This is a feedback just to keep up-to-date with eBelgium.
As you all know eBelgium was colonized by a bunch of eRomanians called The Group, up until recent times. A few weeks ago eUK managed to annihilate eBelgium completely, as a result of that eBelgium got a chance to reform a new congress. That resulted disturbances from EDEN side (see here), accusing opponent countries with PTO. Finally EDEN countries managed to get 10 congress seats, RL Belgians' party (Belgium for Belgians) got 9 seats and 1 seat went to a Phoenix member. On day 808 President Election took place where Olv007, the candidate of Belgium for Belgians party won in an exciting competition against shadowukcs, an eCroatian player.

What has happened so far?

As 10 seats for the previous occupiers are hardly enough for an impeach these congressmen were trying to cause a havoc in the economy by issuing the following law proposals:

- Drastic raise on the tax of food (that proposal was accepted but later withdrawn)

- Raise minimal wage from 2 BEF to 200

- To transfer 10 GBR to Hungarian Takeover Unit (that was a trap proposal where Phoenix influence in the congress was to be proven)

- A proposal of donating 4k ESP to Cyber Invest (this organization is the property of Olv007, if the proposal had gone through he could have been accused for thieving)

More info can be found here.

After all these happening some congressmen from TO left already - probably they got bored as nothing is happening currently there. So here is a question for eBelgium: EDEN or Phoenix? As you look into their media you can see how desperatly eBelgians want to be independent instead of picking any sides.

What are your own views on it?
